Learn, research, and develop with quantum matter
Learn, research, and develop with Quantum Matter
Start Experimenting Today
What can I do with Oqtant?
Explore a broad range of quantum phenomena
Interference & Coherence
Non-linear behavior
Solve critical time-to-publication and cost challenges. From across the globe, experiment using sophisticated hardware and powerful programmatic control.
Enrich classrooms and upskill the quantum workforce with direct access to quantum matter and a growing library of resources to study quantum phenomena.
Process Flow
Each job is an individual experiment designed by you!
Create and manipulate a form of quantum matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC)
User-defined experimental parameters submitted
Job Submission
BEC created per user-defined parameters
In-trap or time-of-flight imaging of BEC
Data Output
Resulting images and data analysis returned to user
User-friendly web application
Oqtant’s web application is your one-stop shop for managing your account and your jobs. The user interface makes it easy to customize your first (or 1,000th) quantum matter experiment — quantum matter is literally a click away!
Learn more about the processes of cooling atoms to create a form of quantum matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) and control optical barriers to manipulate and split your BECs.
Oqtant API (OqtAPI)
> pip install oqtant
Oqtant offers a Python package that provides an expanded set of tools for interfacing with the Oqtant platform, designing experiments, and analyzing results.
You can start with the walkthrough notebooks to gain familiarity with Oqtant, or dig into a demonstration notebook to explore specific quantum phenomena like interference.
# Create a Simple Static Barrier
barrier = Barrier(
position=-10, height=30, width=3, shape="GAUSSIAN", birth=2.5, lifetime=7.5
# and QuantumMatter with a lifetime so that the barrier exists right up to the end
barrier_matter = QuantumMatter(
image="IN_TRAP", # take an in-trap image to directly image barrier effects
note="in-trap imaging with barrier",
job_id = client.submit(barrier_matter, track=True)
Flexible pricing, starting at absolute zero
Best for learners of all levels
No purchase necessary
Submit up to 10 jobs per day
Best for researchers and advanced learners
5 jobs included ($10 per job)
Submit up to 100 jobs per day
Priority queueing
Need 1000+ jobs?
Want a team account?
Prefer to pay another way?
Let us set you up for success!
What is a BEC?
A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is a type of quantum matter. You create a BEC by cooling atoms to a fraction above absolute zero, where they behave like a single quantum mechanical ensemble.
Why does quantum matter… matter?
What can BECs do?
With BECs, you can directly study quantum effects like superposition because they manifest macroscopically. You can also use BECs to emulate other quantum systems.
What can I do with BECs?
From the Oqtant web application or Oqtant API, you can submit experiments (“jobs”) to create, optimize, shape, and measure BECs to study quantum phenomena like interference.
Paul Lipman Unveils Oqtant: Infleqtion's Quantum Matter Service, at Q2B Silicon Valley Conference
Infleqtion's Chief Commercial Officer, Paul Lipman, introduces the groundbreaking Oqtant service at the Q2B Silicon Valley Conference. Dive into the world of quantum sensing and discover how Oqtant is pushing the boundaries of Quantum Matter exploration. Sign up at https://oqtant.infleqtion.com/.
Recent Press
What is Infleqtion’s Oqtant
Quantum as a service is coming with a twist. Namely? Quantum Matter. When ColdQuanta became Infleqtion back in the day, I really took notice. Based in Boulder, Colorado, ColdQuanta (now Infleqtion) traces its roots to Drs. Eric Cornell and Carl Weiman who created the first ever Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) at UC Boulder in 1995, a feat for which they were awarded a 2001 Nobel Prize. In the Quantum startup world, tongue-twisting products are sort of the norm!
Making Quantum Matter
One of my pet peeves over the years is observing a lack of evolution. Of the 100+ products I’ve evaluated, some are no different years after I first looked into them. Even worse, a growing trend is for products to regress, and to actually be worse than they were before. Oqtant looks like a rare product that has actually improved over time. Even if it turns out to be qualitatively the same as Albert, the platform is still noticeably improved, and progress has been observed. Nicely done, Infleqtion.
Quantum –The Next Generation: How Oqtant Can Be Used To Train The Next Generation Of Quantum Researchers
If you’re training the next generation of quantum researchers, Oqtant is an exciting new tool for your classroom. This quantum matter generator is absolutely unique, in that you won’t find another one online, let alone freely available. The opportunity for each of your students to run up to 10 free jobs daily (upgradable) means that Oqtant lowers the barrier to entry for all your students, as long as they have Internet access.
The Post-Quantum World Podcast: Manipulating Quantum Matter Online - with Infleqtion
The latest Post-Quantum World podcast episode with Dana Anderson explores how to experiment with Oqtant. This isn’t quantum computing, but it could lead to a whole new quantum-technology maker industry with real applications across sectors. The host, Konstantinos Karagiannis, is joined by experts to discuss hot topics in quantum, including the business impact, benefits, and threats of this exciting new capability.
Review of Infleqtion’s Oqtant Quantum Matter Service, a Cloud-accessible BEC Device
The opportunity to experiment with the fifth state of matter (along with solid, liquid, gas, and plasma) ought to be personally exciting for just about anyone. But just in case it isn’t, this article is going to explore the commercial applications of quantum matter research. First things first, Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) are formed when atoms, which are suspended inside an ultra-high vacuum chamber, are cooled to billionths-of-a-degree (nK) above absolute zero.
Infleqtion’s Oqtant Provides Access To Quantum Matter For Quantum Researchers, Innovators & Students
Today, I'm speaking with Dr. Dana Z. Anderson from Infleqtion about the Oqtant platform, and we're diving into the mind-blowing realm of quantum physics and Infleqtion's history). Dr. Anderson has a background in quantum optics and applied physics, with experience in areas such as ring laser gyroscopes and laser gravitational wave interferometry. Infleqtion was founded to commercialize technology enabling Bose-Einstein condensation, a form of matter governed by quantum mechanics.
Infleqtion Launches Oqtant, the World’s First Quantum Matter Service to Accelerate the Transition to the Quantum Era
Infleqtion has launched Oqtant, the world’s first quantum innovation platform available as a service. This groundbreaking platform allows researchers, innovators, and students unparalleled access to quantum matter, opening new possibilities for developing advanced sensors, atomtronic circuits, and enhanced signal processing.
Infleqtion’s Oqtant Provides Access To Quantum Matter For Quantum Researchers, Innovators & Students
Infleqtion announces the launch of Oqtant, a “quantum innovation platform as a service.” The service will provide access to quantum matter for researchers, innovators, and students working on next-generation quantum applications. Because access to quantum matter is typically out of reach to many, company officials say Oqtant can democratize quantum discovery and invention.