Oqtant's Improved Job Wait Times & Quotas
Dear Oqtant Community,
We hope you had a wonderful World Quantum Day! April 14th references Planck’s constant (4.1356677×10−15 eV⋅s), a fundamental quantum physics constant.
Did you know that Bose-Einstein condensates can only be made from bosons, which are particles with a total spin that is an integer multiple of Planck’s constant (h) divided by 2π?
April 16 – 18
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. MT (UTC-6)
Upcoming Schedule:
April 30 - May 2
May 14 - 16
May 28 - 30
June 11 - 13
What’s New?
>> Please update to the latest OqtAPI version (1.12.0)
Improved job run and queue times: Jobs now take nearly half the time to run, meaning the queue will process about twice as fast. Less waiting, more quantum matter.
Simpler, better job quotas: You will now have 100 standard job credits at no charge. Your daily limit for standard jobs has doubled to 20!
Standard job quotas are reset every calendar month. Unused credits do not rollover.
There has been no change to priority job quotas (a daily submission limit of 100 jobs per day with priority queueing).
If you submit all your priority jobs, you can use your standard jobs without waiting (if you are under your daily submission limit).
+Many more improvements over the coming weeks and months!
We hope you are as inspired as we are to see Oqtant already being put to good use. Whether on social media, the Oqtant Slack Workspace, or directly with us, we want to hear about your exploration and promote your Oqtant successes.
Best wishes,
Alex Tingle and the Oqtant Team