The Most Scalable Path to Commercial Quantum Computing
Neutral Atom Quantum Computing Technology
Our approach centers on neutral atom quantum computing, a platform that enables large qubit arrays and high-fidelity gate operations. By accelerating gate fidelity and scaling to larger qubit systems, we are developing a robust framework for error correction, ensuring reliability and scalability for diverse quantum applications.
Gate Fidelity Improvement: Our advancements in gate fidelity bring us closer to a reliable error-corrected system, with industry-leading entangling gate fidelity >99.7% employing error-detection techniques.
Error Correction Platform: With dual-species atomic arrays and low-crosstalk measurements, our error correction architecture supports fast, precise operations essential for long-term quantum program stability.
Neutral Atom Quantum Computing at Infleqtion
Welcome to the next phase of Infleqtion’s quantum computing program. This new initiative is dedicated to creating error-corrected logical qubits tailored for commercial applications. Infleqtion also builds quantum computers for select national quantum centers around the world, including the Japan Moonshot Program and the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC).
Benchmarking @ Infleqtion
Infleqtion’s quantum computers employ 2D arrays of neutral atom qubits (a) housed in Infleqtion’s core vacuum cell technology (b) with a unique optical addressing scheme (c) that promises to make Infleqtion’s approach faster at scale than leading alternatives.
Building Neutral Atom Quantum Computers
Precision optical systems power Infleqtion’s neutral atom quantum computers with Infleqtion’s core vacuum cell technology at its heart.
Elevating nondestructive readout
Infleqtion’s neutral atom quantum computers are paving the way to multi-round error-corrected operation with Non-Destructive State-Selective Readout (NDSSR). The NDSSR technique developed by Infleqtion enables deep fault tolerant circuits with multiple rounds of error correction. If you want to execute deep circuits, you’d better keep your qubits around! The technique speeds up operation of Infleqtion’s quantum processors and enables error detection that boosts Infleqtion’s gate fidelity to the highest in the industry at 99.73%
Rydberg-optimized Error Correction
Infleqtion’s neutral atom quantum computers provide unique features, like long-range non-planar connectivity, that enable implementation of a new class of quantum error correction codes known as quantum low density parity check (qLDPC) codes. qLDPC codes promise huge improvements in error correction efficiency and speed compared to standard surface code approaches used by superconducting quantum computing devices. This paper looks closely at how to optimally use long-range neutral atom interactions (using multiple so-called Rydberg levels with n=50, 83, and 90) to implement a particular set of qLDPC codes.
Grand Opening of the UK National Quantum Computing Centre
Infleqtion’s quantum computing team in the UK was honoured by a visit from the UK Science Minister, Lord Vallance, to Infleqtion’s neutral atom quantum computer installation at the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre.