Oqtant updates: NEW Atomtronic Terminator!
Oqtant is online this week!
April 30 – May 2
10 AM – 3 PM MT (UTC-6)
Upcoming Schedule:
May 14 - 16
May 28 - 30
June 11 – 13
June 25 - 27
Announcing the new Atomtronic Terminator!
This is a new tool for your Oqtant toolbox, giving you a different type of dynamic control of your quantum matter. Learn more and try it out yourself with the new Terminator Walkthrough Juypter Notebook.
You can think of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) like a battery: while an electric battery operates at a fixed electric potential (voltage), an “atomtronic” BEC battery operates at a fixed chemical potential for a neutral system.
Oqtant’s terminator laser beam functions as an atomtronic ground, removing atoms from a cloud of trapped atoms by optically pumping them to an untrapped state. The terminator beam can be pulsed on for a few milliseconds or left on for the entire experiment, in which case it acts like a drain.
Similarly, you can create a “wire” for a current of neutral atoms by making a flat potential surface that is bounded on the sides using magnetic fields and a painted potential landscape.
Oqtant’s introduction of the terminator unlocks new tools for a larger research community to explore elements critical to building atomtronic circuits for applications like sensing and simulation.
We hope you are as inspired as we are to see Oqtant already being put to good use. Whether on social media, the Oqtant Slack Workspace, or directly with us, we want to hear about your exploration and promote your Oqtant successes.
Best wishes,
Alex Tingle and the Oqtant Team