A Different Kind of Quantum Circuit:
Exploring Atomtronics with Oqtant
Dive into the future of quantum technology with our latest webinar, A Different Kind of Quantum Circuit: Exploring Atomtronics with Oqtant.
In this session, we explore the fascinating world of atomtronics—a groundbreaking field that leverages ultracold atoms to create quantum circuits with unparalleled precision.
Whether you're a quantum enthusiast, a researcher, or just curious about the latest advancements in quantum technology, this webinar offers valuable insights into how atomtronics can revolutionize industries like defense, cybersecurity, and beyond. Download the slides.
Ultracold atoms mimic the behavior of electrons in electronic systems
Phys. Rev. A 75, 023615 (2007) - Atomtronics: Ultracold-atom analogs of electronic devices, Dana Z. Anderson (Founder and CTO of Infleqtion), and colleagues
Atomtronic circuits: from many-body physics to quantum technologies, Luigi Amico, Dana Anderson, Malcolm Boshier, Jean-Philippe Brantut, Leong-Chuan Kwek, Anna Minguzzi, Wolf von Klitzing
Matterwaves, Matterons, and the Atomtronic Transistor Oscillator, Dana Z. Anderson
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